As Seen In:

Yoga Life DETOX

In just 20 minutes a day for 28 days you can reset your entire life.

Are you constantly tired?

Completely out of touch with your body?

Are you constantly trying to look after everyone else?

Do you desperately want to find time to practice yoga or workout - but you don't have time?

You want to eat well.. but end up snacking on junk because it's quick and easy?

You want to find a healthier way to destress than a glass of wine when the kids go to bed... But it's there!

Why You Need The Yoga Life DETOX

This unique detox, empowerment and healthy weight loss online yoga programme will transform your life in under a month. This programme is taught by Cheryl Kennedy MacDonald, founder of global Women’s Yoga Collective YogaBellies, an expert in combining feminine yoga with positive nutrition & holistic living.

This 28-day online yoga programme is designed to introduce you to simple lifestyle changes that can help you lose weight, rid your body of toxins and create a calm and focused mindset - quickly, consistently and easily.  Her unique method of yoga created specifically for women shows you exactly how effective the right feminine yoga practice can be while keeping you motivated, engaged and seeing real results immediately! Join Cheryl for this easy-to-follow transformation for just 28 days. After you're done you'll feel rejuvenated, motivated and ready for a fresh start!

What is the Yoga Life Detox?

Cheryl’s programme focuses on the 3 main elements of detox: Mindful Cleansing, Yoga Body and Yoga Soul. She explores the way you treat your body through fitness and food, the quality of the relationships you build with yourself or others, and the quality of the choices you make in everyday life and in the final week, Creating Lasting Rituals to make sure those good habits stick.

Cheryl introduces you to Yoga, not just as exercise, but yoga as a multifaceted practice that can improve every aspect of your life helping you to become healthy, happy and fully empowered as a woman. Getting started on this journey is what Cheryl calls the “Yoga Life Detox”

Who this programme is for:

Any woman that wants to quickly and easily transform their life, Mind, Body and Soul in just 28 Days. This programme is suitable for all levels of yoga practice - even complete newbies and includes modifications for beginners.

“Yoga is a lifestyle and not just a mere kind of exercise to stay fit and healthy. It is a science which unfolds the endless potentials of our mind and soul.”

- Anamika Mishra

How Do You Feel Right Now?

... and how do you want to feel?

Being relaxed is our natural state. Most of us don’t even realize or think about this!

If you’re anything like 99.9999% of the female population, you’re probably living one day to another in a state of anxiety - because of your busy af lifestyle and growing list of people to look after and ‘things to do’ that don't give you time to unwind and just enjoy living.

Yoga is THE best way to relearn your natural state - even if you have minimal time. It’s possible you’ve even forgotten what it is like to be relaxed. 

If you start bringing yoga off the mat and into your everyday life… you’re going to allow that vital energy to start moving through your body, reducing that suffocating fatigue that you’ve probably just accepted as part of your life.

You don’t have to!!

This is IT. This is your chance to break free from a yo-yo dieting mindset and soul-crushing acrobatic yoga classes (created for men!) that are leaving you feeling inadequate, and exhausted, and are making you feel worse instead of better.

You can look and feel your absolute best without starving yourself or punishing yourself in the gym or on the yoga mat.

I created the Yoga Life DETOX to help you stress less, sleep better and enjoy a yoga practice that feels good to you all month long.

Unlike other yoga programmes that you’ll find online, this is not just about physical yoga. 

Eat sleep yoga repeat focuses on the union of body and mind - this just means that we’re bringing awareness to what our body needs and giving it that!

… So that you feel just as good off the yoga mat as you do in Savasana, at the end of your yoga class. 

I’m going to provide a long-term, easy-to-sustain yoga lifestyle programme to help you meet your mindset and wellness goals. 

Stop yo-yo dieting (why bother?) and tying yourself (literally!) in knots trying to practice yoga created for men (that’s another story)… Make lasting changes by aligning your Body and Mind with Yoga.

What IS a Yoga Lifestyle?

I'm going to introduce you to LIVING your yoga - not just pulling some fancy pretzel shapes! This is yoga on and off the yoga mat - pretzels are 100% optional!

Yep, yoga is not just what you do in yoga class. There’s so much more to it and I’m sure you’ve heard that but it all seems a bit heavy and spiritual... 

This is one of the main reasons I started YogaBellies: To break down those barriers and misconceptions and show women how incredible yoga can be at transforming your whole life.

Let me break it down.

Did you know that Yoga means Union: Union of Body and Mind? That’s what makes it different from any other kind of exercise. It’s about listening to your body and respecting what it needs and doing exactly that!! 

We’re so used to pushing ourselves and looking after everyone else's needs that you’re probably thinking that other than a bloody good sleeep… I've no idea what I actually need or want?

The beauty of yoga is that it's going to help you reconnect with yourself: Body, Mind and Soul. When you’re living your yoga off the mat... then you'll feel as good as you do when you’re in class!

But if you’re body and mind are not on the same page, you’re not going to enjoy all of the extra benefits that yoga can bring…

  • Sleep better

  • Have bags of energy

  • Be calmer and less stressed - not just in your yoga class!

  • Being able to make some time for yourself (that benefits everyone around you)

  • Find a balance between what you have to do and what you want to do

  • Feel supported by other women just like you

  • Lose weight without trying (whoop!)

  • Look and feel better than you did in your 20s

  • Feel excited about YOU again (she's in there somewhere...)

  • Keep it going easily

Meet Cheryl

YogaBellies Founder, Mum and Master Yogi

Hey there,

My name is Cheryl MacDonald and I'm a Mum, Master Yogi and founder of YogaBellies :)  I've been working with women across the life stages to improve their lives through yoga for the past 20 years - you can see below just some of the publications that have featured my work and celebrity clients I've helped

Let me tell you... 

We've never needed to look after ourselves and re-examine our lifestyle more than we do now.

Everybody has something - that thing that makes you get your ducks in a row, something that forces you to make big changes.

What's it going to take to make you get your sh*t together!?

The stress of the pandemic hit me hard - trying to juggle homeschooling; supporting my yoga teachers globally and of course, my family. I'm sure this isn't too far from your own situation.  And as women, we tend to completely neglect ourselves and worry about everyone else and that's exactly what I did... until I burned out completely. I'll tell you firsthand that ignoring your self-care just isn't sustainable.

Taking back control of your life is the best thing you'll ever do.

I now have back my energy, and my mental clarity, and I can get through the challenges that life throws at me again. I want to share with you, exactly how to there with my 28-Day Yoga Life DETOX.

Maybe you want to change some of the bad habits that you've picked up - or even just get your focus and yoga mojo back.

Maybe you just need time to breathe!

The Yoga Life DETOX is not a quick fix or a diet: I will teach you the fundamentals of bringing yoga into your everyday life - on and off the yoga mat. 

I'll show you how to take small, fast and simple steps to feel better and living your best life every single day.

This is not about depriving yourself or crash diets or extreme workouts. It's about LOVING YOURSELF!

Being able to take time to look after you, that's going to improve how you cope with all those other demands.. instead of taking you away from them.

Looking forward to seeing you on the inside! 

What Do I Know?

A bit more about Cheryl...

I understand why women need yoga throughout life - and that it can benefit us as much in life as it can in class. I've practiced and I've taught women at every life stage - in fact,  over 100,000 women in the UK alone,  have come along to YogaBellies classes to balance their hormones; relieve stress; find their calm place for birth; chill with baby afterward and battle the symptoms of menopause. 

You may have seen Cheryl featured in:

  • The Huffington Post - talking about my yoga journey and YogaBellies® beginnings
  • As a winner of BBC Dragon's Den  - the Dragons loved the concept of YogaBellies®
  • Appeared on ITV's This Morning - teaching yoga to women and children at various life stages
  • All of the magazines, TV channels and publications you can see on this page, talking about yoga for women throughout life
  • Been personal yoga teacher to celebrities such as Kimberley Walsh (Girls Aloud), Fearne Cotton and Catherine Tyldsley

Our Reset Guest Experts

Bonus Sessions Focusing On Women's Health and Wellness

Why should I get onboard with The Reset?

(because if you don't then nothing will change...)

Over the years, I developed what I call The YogaBellies Sadhana (meaning practice.) This is basically a number of elements that make up the perfect yoga practice for women - in yoga class and in life.  It includes the key components that we need to get the most from our yoga practice. We look at mindset, nutrition and how you look after YOU. 

 Yoga is a lifestyle choice that means taking into consideration how you use your yoga tools off the mat too:

 Using SENSE to be more mindful of how we interact with people we don't really like at work. Tune into our energy fluctuations and make the most of them - even the low energy times!

Use BREATHE practices to destress when your kids are asking you for a million different things but you're trying to cook dinner and deal with work calls at the same time.

When we MOVE we are adapting our yoga practice by respecting what our body wants and needs. It’s not about how long we do yoga.. It’s about what we need right now.

Using SLEEP practices to help us rest, relax and recuperate - quickly and effectively at levels you’re never seen before.

Being part of the YogaBellies CIRCLE of women supporting each other, building authentic friendships with women going through the exact same thing as you.

 The right yoga practice will mean you’ve got tons of energy; feel positive; have your hormones under control and look and feel great all month long: What's not to love??

In just 3 weeks you'll be happier, less stressed, sleeping better, and taking manageable chunks of time every day for yourself. You're going to look and feel better than ever before and you're going to have created new, positive habits that you will be easily able to - and absolutely want to - keep going.

I'm going to show you how you can apply the YogaBellies Sadhana to not only your physical yoga practice - but every aspect of your life.

I know that it’s not easy to commit to making the big, necessary changes for your life - especially if you just can't see a way out. I get that! This is the solution.

Over the next four weeks, this is what we’re going to do: 

Week 1: Mindful Cleansing. 

Week 1 focuses on clearing out old patterns and creating new life-changing (quick and easy) habits to transform and reset your life from the ground up. You’re going to kick off with a clean and shiny slate!

Week 2: Yoga Body. 

In week 2 you’ll look at reconnecting with your physical body.  This includes REALLY tuning into what your body needs every day and respecting that with the right physical yoga practice. Each day you get to choose which practice to follow: energising, restorative, or grounding. You'll also look at what your putting into your body and get rid of that useless ‘diet’ mindset. Practicing mindfulness when it comes to food makes it so simple to eat the right amount at the right time without even having to think about it. 

Week 3: Yoga Soul. 

Now we’re going to take our soul-healing to a whole new, deeper level. We’re looking at rediscovering who we really are; doing the things we love and making time for enjoying life again!

Bonus “Week 4” Guide: 

Healthy, Lasting Rituals. I've included a bonus for week 4 to make sure you keep going with your new yoga lifestyle for long-lasting results because the journey doesn’t end here. 

How does it work?

It's So Simple...

I’m going to provide you with my complete 21-day reset plan. 

Each module gives day-by-day information and OMwork, making it easy for you to NOT get overwhelmed by the awesome changes you are going to make in every part of your life. 

I’m going to give you something new to focus on every day that’s going to take you towards your best life.

Every single day you'll get:

  • A suggested daily schedule to get you started;
  • SENSE A 2-minute video with your focus for the day including your new affirmation;
  • BREATH A choice of quick yogic breathing practices to start your day or use to help you calm down, sleep better or be more compassionate
  • MOVE A choice of 3 video yoga routines with me to choose from depending on how you feel and what your body needs.RESTORE (relaxation), COREPLAY (energize), and LUNA (align);
  • A choice of SLEEP deep relaxation and meditation sessions focusing on positive mindset, better sleep and relieving stress.
  • CIRCLE: Unlimited ongoing access to our online community of women supporting women for love and support on your journey.
  • Daily tasty and nutritious recipes, meal plans and shopping lists for the whole 21 days.

3 Styles of Yoga

Choose The Practice You Need Every Day

Let's recap what you get when you sign up for this 21-Day RESET

Over £500 of Wellness Tools

You’re going to get:

  • Your easy-to-follow daily schedule to get you started;
  • The Yoga Life Reset Workbook to track your progress, mind body and soul, throughout the reset. 

  • 4 x weekly Info-Packed Modules and Printable Guides: Every week, you’ll get access to your new module packed with information and tips to help you get the most out of this programme and reset your life.

  • 4 x Weekly Yoga Life Guided Sessions with Cheryl – I personally guide you through your transitions - we'll look at healthy weight loss, self-care and movement, and living the yoga lifestyle in these recorded video sessions, in addition to your daily focus videos.

  • 3 x YogaBellies video routines with me to choose from depending on how you feel and what your body needs.RESTORE (relaxation), COREPLAY (energize), and LUNA (align);
  • 5 x SLEEP deep relaxation and meditation sessions

  • 3 x YogaBellies Breathing Practices

  • A 21-Day Eat Sleep Yoga Repeat calendar to keep on schedule and start getting all the benefits of yoga.

  • Your Personal Yoga Food Diary:  It's the first step to mindful eating and a key component of long-term success for anyone looking to shed a few pounds. 

  • 2 x Recipe Books: 21-Day Recipe Guides (Omnivore and Vegan versions!): Chef-created and nourishingly planned, these delicious recipes are an unbeatable ticket to a healthier future for you. They’re quick and easy to make and taste amazing. Not all yogis are Vegan and that's ok!

  • Suggested Meals and Shopping Lists for 21 Days (Omnivore and Vegan versions): Eating healthy is hard if you don’t know where to shop. Stay on track at the supermarket and in the kitchen.

  • Access to our exclusive Yoga Life online forum where you can interact with the other women taking part in the Reset.


  • BONUS 5 x Additional YogaBellies Video Routines to choose from

  • BONUS 3 X YogaBellies Wellness Kits - including The Sleep Kit; The Anxiety Kit and The Immunity Kit (value £150)

  • BONUS Guest Expert Sessions on Women’s Health with Cardiologist and Weight Loss Specialist, Dr. Michael MacDonald and a Female-focused Physiotherapist, Joanne Shaw  (value £300)

  • BONUS Your Guide to Setting Up a Home Yoga Practice and Getting Started (value £150)

  • BONUS YogaBellies Beginner Guide to Meditation - E-Book and Audio guide for those new to meditation or who want to take it back to basics (value £150)

  • BONUS 3 x GUIDED MEDITATIONS: Cultivating Happiness, A Positive Future and Embracing the Divine Feminine

  • BONUS Wellness Content on Probiotics for women;  Aromatherapy; Creating your own affirmations and managing your hormones (value £200)

  • BONUS Webinar Smoothie Basics for busy women and smoothie recipes (value £50)

  • BONUS 21-days of gratitude guide for those of you who want to go deeper (value £30)

What Can I Expect To Gain from The RESET?

  • To Kick-Start A Sustainable Yoga Practice

    Join me as we start (or reboot) your daily yoga practice - on and off the yoga mat. Yoga Asana, Meditation and Mindfulness will be tools on this journey.

  • To Reset Your Eating Habits

    We'll completely change your attitude towards food and bring in lots of healthy eating habits - I'll even help you cut out sugar and bad habits. Jump into the Yoga Life Recipe Book and Meal Plans for tasty options throughout the Reset and beyond.

  • To Uncover What You Need for a Healthy Body and Mind

    We're going to deep dive into where you're at in life right now, what you need and make a sustainable plan to get you there going forward.

Eat Sleep Yoga Repeat RESET

Wanna Peek Inside?

    1. Welcome to the rest of your life

    2. Using the YogaBellies App To Access Your Courses and Classes

    3. Where Do I Start?

    4. Your Daily Schedule: It's NOT About Perfection!

    5. 28-Day Yoga, Fitness and Mindset Schedule

    6. 28 Day Yoga Life Detox Daily Themes

    7. Tuning Into Your Feminine Intuition

    8. Mindful Menstruation: Becoming Aware of Your Monthly Cycle

    9. Access The Yoga Life Detox Community Forum

    1. Module 1: Mindful Cleansing

    2. Mindful Cleansing Handbook

    3. Day 1: Taking Inventory

    4. Day Two: Focus On Your Habitual Thoughts

    5. Day Three: Beautiful Affirmations

    6. Day Four: Release What Is Holding You Back From Living the Life You Want

    7. Day Five: Anxiety, Anxiousness, Awareness

    8. BONUS: Why Yoga Works for Anxiety and Depression

    9. BONUS: YogaBellies Dealing with Anxiety in Times of Crisis

    10. BONUS: YogaBellies Journal Yourself Out of Anxiety

    11. Day Six: Allowing Your Mind to Be Surrounded By Nature's Beauty

    12. Day Seven: Invite Joy into Your Life

    1. Week 2 Overview Yoga Body: Daily Detox Bites with Cheryl

    2. Week 2: Yoga Body

    3. Yoga Body Handbook

    4. Day Eight: Hydration

    5. Day Nine: Sleep

    6. BONUS: YogaBellies Sleep Kit

    7. BONUS: YogaBellies Nighttime Journal to Help Relieve Daytime Stress

    8. Day Ten: Movement

    9. Hormones, Yoga and Maintaining Your Weight Naturally

    10. Day Eleven: Eliminating Junk

    11. Day Twelve: Nourishing Your Body

    12. BONUS: YogaBellies Guide to Immunity

    13. BONUS: YogaBellies My Immunity Boosting Plan

    14. Day Thirteen: Intuition

    15. Day Fourteen: Enhancing Your Body's Abilities

    16. BONUS: Incorporating Probiotics for Women

    17. BONUS: Aromatherapy The Basics

    1. Week 3 Overview : Yoga Soul

    2. Yoga Soul Handbook

    3. Day Fifteen: Self-Care

    4. Day Sixteen: Healthy, Rich Relationships

    5. Day Seventeen: Faith and Self-Belief

    6. Day Eighteen: Passionate Living

    7. Day Nineteen: Forgiveness and Letting Go

    8. Day Twenty: Giving to the World

    9. Day Twenty One: Play

    1. Week 4: Keep Going!

    2. Healthy Lasting Rituals Handbook

    3. More Yogic Cleansing Practices to Integrate Into Your Life

    4. Creating Healthy Rituals for Happiness

    5. Keep Living Your Yoga: How To Eliminate Distractions From Your Life

    6. Setting Intentions and Goals

    1. Beginner’s Guide to Mindful Eating

    2. Getting Rid of the All or Nothing Thinking

    3. How Yo-Yo Dieting Can Be Worse Than Obesity

    4. Tasty and Energizing Snacks for Chicas on the Go

    5. 5 Foods For Instant Energy

    6. How to Eat Clean and Mindfully While Out and About

    7. Vegetarian Proteins Cheat Sheet

About this course

  • £27.00
  • 92 lessons

Cheryl Takes You Through The Programme

Ready to Dive In? Sign Up Now for 50% Off



Got Questions? We've got answers...

You can start the 21-Day Reset any time on sign-up, and I’ve been getting a whole bunch of questions about the programme and whether it’s really all it’s cracked up to be. So, I thought I’d share a few of my answers with you...


Q: Why do I need to join The Reset; can’t I just look up all of this stuff this online?

A: Of course, you can do your own research and find out how to reset your mindset, kickstart your yoga practice and find out what foods to eat, but there are a few good reasons to do it through a structured programme. 

Think about this:

  • Over 80% of people who fail at changing their lifestyles state that the number one reason is lack of support and understanding - two things that my reset has! I don’t just give you a bunch of recipes and a yoga sequence and let you work things out for yourself, I offer continuous support, encouragement, and help in figuring out the best ways to incorporate a yoga lifestyle into your current, daily life. You’re going to be able to interact with me and ask me questions live every week also in our online community forum – and have the ongoing support of the other women undertaking the reset!
  • The second-biggest reason people have for quitting a lifestyle change is boredom - as in, they get bored eating the same thing over and over or feel restricted in their lifestyle. Too many people mistake clean living for choking down dry salads and sitting at home depressed. You need help getting to know the ins and outs, and you get that with my Reset. I’m going to help you mix up your nutrition, movement and mindfulness routines to keep you active and interested - and we're going to have a laugh along the way because making your life better should be bloody good fun!


Q: Is this going to be super expensive?

A: Not at all! What is expensive is eating those brand-name “health” foods or shakes they try to sell you, which are really just as bad as all the other over-processed, sugar-laden convenience foods that litter the shelves of the local ASDA. If you know how to shop seasonally and avoid marketing traps, you can actually save tens or even hundreds of pounds on your shopping bill over the course of a year. Believe me, I’ve done it! Also, I'm giving you lifetime access to over £500 of valuable, female-centric wellness content for less than a month's gym membership.


Q: Be honest, isn’t this just a fad?

A: The Yoga Life will help you lose weight, that’s true. Having a makeover will make you look good, yep. Practicing yoga a couple of times will make you feel better short term, of course. But a yoga lifestyle isn’t a diet or a fad - it’s changing your perspective on life and living. 

So, what’s the difference? People who go on a diet or a fitness binge always see it as a fixed, finite thing - I’m on a diet until I lose ten or twenty pounds, then I’m off the diet and back to eating crispy-creme and watching Netflix 24-7 (and gaining back all the weight I just lost!). Changing to a Yoga Lifestyle, on the other hand, means you commit to a lifelong way of living, thinking, and eating that does you long-term good. I know this might seem impossible because you’re still thinking about it as being on a diet for the rest of your life, but it simply isn’t the same. I'm going to show you how living your best, healthiest life can be more than enjoyable!

 You will eat delicious meals every day, you will feel satisfied after eating them, and your tummy won’t be grumbling with hunger within a couple of hours - unlike diets.  This doesn’t just affect your weight, either, it affects your entire life - it’s good for your physical, mental and emotional health. You'll be practicing mindfulness and moving every single day. You'll be working on identifying what you really want and need from life and how to get there. This program even offers options for both vegans and omnivores, which means anyone with any lifestyle preferences will find a way that works for them. 

Q: What happens when I sign up for the reset?

The Reset provides lifetime access to the online materials on sign up.

Q: How can I prep for the challenge?

Everything that you need is provided in the Reset. When you get access, you could download your recipe book and shopping lists and start buying the ingredients in advance if you wish to do so - or you can simply access them on your phone or device, it's up to you. You may also want to get a yoga mat and have some comfy, non-restrictive clothing for your yoga practice. 

Q. How much time does the Reset take each day and what time are the live sessions?

The great thing about the Reset is that I've made it as flexible as possible. I know that most of you are busy women that can't always guarantee they'll be in a specific place at a specific time. There are 4 live recorded sessions with me you can veiw at any time. 

There are 3 yoga practices that I have created especially for this reset: RESTORE (deep relaxation and restoration), COREPLAY (a dynamic and energizing practice) and LUNA (perfect for gentle movement and contemplation.) Each yoga sequence lasts around 20 minutes and this is the only practice you need each day. You can select which practice you do every day, and this will vary on where you are on your menstrual cycle and wheat your body and soul need that day: It's up to you. You can complete these in your own time and you have lifetime access to keep going, every day after the Reset is complete. If you skip a day, don't panic, just get back on the mat the next day - because sometimes life happens and that's okay :)

There will be daily suggested reflections and OMwork for you to do, to keep you focused on the challenge. If you register for the free sample of the reset, you can view the full 21-day schedule and the themes. You can also choose to listen to the range of audio meditations provided for each week, again depending on what and when you need them. There's also a ton of extra videos and reading material on feminine health and wellness topics important to you. I want you to take what you need from this Reset and I know that will be different for everyone.