Do you need help detoxing and cleansing your body after coming off birth control?

Even if you’ve already been off birth control for quite some time, your body is likely still dealing with the after-effects of it, as the synthetic hormones are often left behind, wreaking havoc on your system.

This can cause issues with your mood, your fertility, your menstrual cycle and overall wellness.

YogaBellies 30-Day Detox  will help you to rid your body of all of those nasties and restore optimal health

Signs You Could Need A Birth Control Detox

Birth control can, without a doubt, be a huge help in relieving some unpleasant symptoms such as heavy and long menstrual cycles, acne breakouts, and more. But once you get off those synthetic hormones, did you know those original symptoms can come back with a vengeance?

That’s why a birth control detox is so vital to ensuring our bodies are fully cleansed of these hormones, because they can throw our systems out of whack.

Is your body dealing with the stress and side effects of coming off hormonal contraception?

Are you scared to come off birth control because you don’t know how to deal with the unpleasant symptoms you were using birth control to manage?

I 100% understand. It’s scary and a real transition phase going from several years of birth control to navigating life, and your body, without it. If you haven't had periods in years too, that could be a huge adjustment for you.

If you think your body will just return to normal after getting off birth control, you’d probably be wrong.

I was on birth control for over ten years. 

That’s a seriously long time for your body to be taking in and learning to rely on synthetic hormones that might be helping some symptoms but actually wreaking havoc on my body internally.

After 10+ years, I don’t even want to think about how my liver and uterus were affected… and my menstrual cycles were so out of whack—every month during my period, it felt like a freaking train wreck. My hormones were all over the place and my moods were up and down like a yo-yo.

I know I’m not alone and so many of my clients tell me about their struggles coming off hormonal contraception. That’s why I’ve been working away on developing the YogaBellies 30-Day Birth Control Detox Program, it makes it so much easier to restore the balance in your body without feeling totally messed up.

The programme will help you to get into the routine of:

💗Using detoxifying yoga and pranayama practices

💗Understanding and tracking your cycle with a period-tracking app such as Flo or Clue (if you don’t already)

💗Restoring your healthy cervical mucus

💗Taking herbs to assist in restoring hormonal balance and healthy ovulation

…and much more

After those 30 days, my aim of for your body to feel good again. Probably better than when you were on birth control and definitely better than before you were on it. Watch this space or dm me for more info. 

And if all of this is relatable, then it could be time to get a full, cleansing Birth Control Detox!

Imagine being able to…

  • Detox properly off birth control.
  • Cleanse your liver.
  • Support your uterus.
  • Balance your hormones
  • Regulate your menstrual cycle
  • Increase your fertility levels
  • Learn how to manage your pre-birth control symptoms.
  • Transform your body from the inside out and learn to live without relying on synthetic hormones ever again.

All while nourishing your body with a clean, organic diet, supportive herbs, detoxifying yoga practices and other methods of simple feminine self-care throughout the whole journey.

I hope you'll join me, Cheryl xo

I promise that getting off birth control doesn’t have to be difficult or scary.

No matter how challenging you think it will be, or how much you believe your body will suffer, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. 

It’s never too late to get your body back on track after birth control.

Who Is This Detox For?

  • Any woman who has previously used or wants to stop hormonal birth control
  • Anyone looking to balance their hormones and regulate their menstrual cycle
  • If you want to detox your body of not only synthetic birth control but a whole host of other non-natural nasties
  • If you want to cleanse your body to increase fertility or before trying to conceive

  • You’ll learn helpful detoxing practices such as detoxifying yoga, cleansing breathing practices, how to use liver cleansing herbs, uterine tonics, which foods support your birth control recovery plan, and much more.

  • By engaging in some of the more advanced detoxing methods such as oil pulling, tongue scraping, and body brushing, you’ll further support your body through its detoxification process.

  • Detox from birth control through the most cleansing and nourishing therapies and rebuild your microbiome, replenish lost nutrients, and restore balance once and for all.

When you join the YogaBellies 30-Day Birth Control Detox Programme, you gain access to all of the educational materials you need to fully cleanse your body which will help flush out any toxins that are causing unpleasant side effects post-birth control.

30 days of online coaching to help you learn the essential ways to detox from birth control.
An in-depth guide to what materials you’ll use to help support your system during this time.
Specific foods and recipes to nourish your body and replenish your nutrients. 
Detoxifying yoga practices and cleansing breathing techniques.
A full list of liver-cleansing herbs, uterine tonics, what to use to rebuild your microbiome, a list of probiotics, and so much more.
Live weekly group coaching sessions with Cheryl to help support you every step of the way, no matter when, no matter what help you need. 
Access to a private, motivational community to get the support you need 24/7.
Lifetime access to all of these materials that you can always refer back to in case you need a refresher.

In just 30 Days, you will master the core concepts of understanding your body post-birth control, how to support it during recovery, and feeling the best version of yourself like never before.

Here’s What We'll Dive Into:

Synthetic Hormones
Uterine tonics
Rebuilding your Microbiome
Return of Symptoms

Diet support

Tracking your cycle

Essential oils

Liver cleansing

Advanced detoxing therapies

Restoring healthy cervical mucus
Yoga and Hormonal balance

And so much more!

I'll teach you how to take back control over your own health after discontinuing birth control and understand how to navigate those unpleasant symptoms and ensure they’ve managed perfectly WITHOUT the need for hormones ever again – in 30 days.

Is the 30-Day Birth Control Detox For You?

Chances are, you’ve been on the pill, or maybe used the arm implant, an IUD, a vaginal ring, etc. And did you know that even if you’ve been using a non-hormonal form of birth control, it can still take your body a lot of time to get your period and ovulation back in full swing?

The truth is, your liver and uterus also get extremely taxed by hormonal birth control. The liver has the job of metabolizing all the synthetic hormones, while your uterus deals with the progestin that is causing the uterine lining to thin and weaken… we’re done with that, starting now!

My passion is to help you truly transform your life.

I hope you will join me in….

The YogaBellies 30-Day Birth Control Detox

Experience a transformation from the inside out to cleanse your internal organs, flush out toxic chemicals and synthetic hormones from your birth control, and feel your absolute best in just 30 days!

  • 30 days of online detox coaching
  • Detoxifying yoga and cleansing pranayama practices
  • An in-depth guide to a natural birth control detox
  • Foods and your detox recipe book
  • Suggested meals
  • Liver-cleansing herbs, uterine tonics, and more
  • Live group coaching sessions with Cheryl on cleansing practices and detox
  • Access to a private community
  • Lifetime access to all materials

A Total Value of Of: GBP400

But You’ll Only Pay GBP47 When You Join Today

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome from Cheryl

    2. 10 Signs You Need a Birth Control Detox


    4. Kick-Off Session with Cheryl

    5. Let’s get prepared

    6. Getting Started

    7. The Community

    1. Week 1

    2. How birth control affects your body

    3. Supportive Detox Strategies

    4. Seed Cycling

    5. Charting Your Cycle

    6. Charting Your Cycle LIVE with Cheryl


    1. Week 2

    2. Rebuild Your Body and Restore Balance

    3. Birth Control Detox

    4. Body Brushing LIVE with Cheryl

    5. Body Brushing

    6. Body Brushing Protocol

    7. Week 2 Continued

    1. Week 3

    2. Common causes of hormonal imbalance

    3. Endocrine disrupting chemicals and xenoestrogens

    4. Am I Estrogen Dominant?

    5. Using Castor Oil Packs LIVE with Cheryl

    6. Castor Oil Pack

    7. Week 3 Continued

    8. Castor Oil Pack Protocol

    9. Miscarriage Support Protocol

    1. Week 4

    2. The Detox: Herbs, Tonics and Food

    3. The Wrap Up Session with Cheryl

    1. Detox Yoga

    2. Cleansing Yoga Breathing Practices

About this course

  • £47.00
  • 47 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long is this programme?

    The Birth Control Detox Program is 30 days long and is designed to help you learn how to nourish and support your body after getting off birth control with teachings in a communal style that allows for a deeper understanding and supportive therapy. We kick off live on the 10th of May, but all of the live sessions will be recorded so you can watch them at any time.

  • Will I get anything in the mail?

    The Birth Control Detox Programme is completely digital, so you will not receive anything in the mail, but you will receive access to a private FB community and a membership dashboard where all your content is accessible.

  • Do I have to follow a group?

    It is recommended to follow along with the group so that your experience can be enriched by others and so that you can take the most benefit from my 1:1 teachings each week. That being said, you do have access to all of your materials within your members' area to go at your own pace at any time!

  • How long do I get access to the materials?

    When you purchase the Birth Control Detox Programme, you get lifetime access to the current materials.

  • Do you offer refunds?

    The Birth Control Detox Programme is completely digital, and you get immediate access to the materials, meaning there is no way to "return" the product, so I do not offer refunds once a purchase is made.