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Meet Cheryl 

When I started YogaBellies, I had been working as a Business Analyst full time and had taught yoga for my friends for free, for years. I never thought it could be my career but ultimately, that was my dream: To teach yoga, do what I loved and spend as much time with my gorgeous baby boy and hubby as possible. That was my dream and I made it happen from my spare bedroom but a new baby. You can do this too. What Can I Expect From This Guide? No matter why you're downloading this guide, you will find this guide a great introduction to living in our natural cycles, self-care throughout the month, and adapting your practice during menstruation. Remember, this guide is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding our gorgeous feminine wisdom. So please enjoy your download and be sure to let me know how it helped you. Namaste, Cheryl xo 

Living in Cycles: Yoga and Self-Care for Menstruation 

If you’ve never come across YogaBellies before, we’re all about making women feel better: About their lives, their bodies and themselves. If you’re downloading this guide, you’re probably one of a few groups of people: • Perhaps you’re a yoga teacher or considering becoming a yoga teacher, and want to better understand the benefits of adapting your yoga practice throughout the month; • Maybe you’re suffering from menstrual issues: Irregularity, dysmenorrhea; PCOS, or moving towards menopause, and want to know how your yoga practice can help. • Perhaps you have a wellness or healthcare business where you work with women and would like to be able to help them with menstrual issues.